Getting to Know Your Growing Space: Site Planning and Soil Preparation for Your Native Plant Pocket

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Tuesday March 14

7:00 PM  –  8:15 PM

There’s much to consider when establishing a new planting bed.  Scouting out ideal locations encompasses more than just pointing and planting.  Don’t get stuck in the weeds and never start!  Let Patti Schildkamp, Pennsylvania Master Naturalist and Penn State Master Gardener; and Cloey Devlin, retired Longwood Gardens gardener and high school teacher guide you through this thought-provoking process. 


Patti will offer suggestions on site placement with the watchful neighbor’s eye in mind and share the “tried and true” organic and lesser toil No Dig, No Till bed preparation method to build soil health without having to dig down.  Cloey, who lives on a sloped, flint rock acre with triplet deer neighbors will inspire through creative planting tips and tricks when selecting a site to maximize challenging property logics and navigate hungry wildlife.


Presenters will also touch on conducive sun situations, preparing woodland garden sites and inventive container placement for those with various hurdles to overcome for plant success.


This event is open to the public and may be recorded. It is a "pay what you wish" program with proceeds benefitting Brandywine Conservancy’s education and outreach. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link. Thank you for considering a donation.


This program is part of the “Create Your Own Native Plant Pocket Garden Series.  For those wanting to get started exploring the native plant arena, enjoy this blended virtual and in-person series to learn step-by-step how to construct a small, manageable native growing space to improve the ecological function of your property.